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PSG Job Redesign (PSG-JR) Consultant Services in Singapore
LiTStrategy’s team of expert consultants have a proven track record of delivering results. We specialise in helping SMEs with quality strategy consulting and business advisory services. We have also worked with government agencies on policy-level projects.
Recently, LiT Strategy has been appointed by Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) to be a pre-approved PSG-JR consultant that is qualified to assist companies in redesigning and restructuring work processes, tasks, and responsibilities. Such assistance helps to increase the productivity and attractiveness of jobs for employees which could also lead to better job retention for the company.
As a pre-approved consultant, our team can quickly embark on the project within 2 to 3 weeks of the grant application.
Why Job Redesign?
Job redesign is essential for businesses today and especially with the challenging market environment that SMEs are operating in today. Rising manpower costs and changes to regulations related to hiring are huge obstacles that SMEs struggle to overcome.
Companies are hiring more workers with the intention of increasing revenue to cover the increase in manpower cost and hence creating a vicious cycle that does not necessarily improve the situation In fact, this is not a sound strategy as any changes to hiring regulations (E.g. Foreign worker quota, local qualifying salary or levy requirement), however minor, could worsen the situation.
On the other hand, job redesign could help to resolves these issues and reduce companies’ vulnerability to changes in hiring policy because it cultivates the idea of “Producing more results with less”. With manpower costs that will only continue to increase, LiT Strategy strongly believes that SMEs today should conduct Job Redesign to review current processes and job scope, and identify if there are opportunities to maximise the potential that their existing workforce has to offer. In other words, companies should increase the value of existing workforce to justify the increase in manpower.
A simple benefit and cost analysis could be conducted to identify the benefits of job redesign. Through Job redesign, companies could increase the work scope and value of its existing workforce while saving money for the company.
Applicable Subsidies
Eligible enterprises will receive up to 70% of the cost of consulting services, with a maximum of $30,000 per enterprise.
In addition to the above funding support, you can use the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to cover out-of-pocket (OOP) costs. A one-time $10,000 credit will be given to eligible businesses to cover up to 90% of OOP costs.
Also, to support employees transiting to the new role, we can assist your enterprise to enrol eligible employees under the Career Conversion Programme (CCP). Under this programme, companies can send employees for reskill programmes with up to 90% salary support for at least 3 months.
Why engage Lit strategy?
Our team of strategy consultants specialise in strategy consulting and focuses on developing corporate strategies to resolve the client’s problems and/or goals. These strategies may involve a turnaround strategy, company growth strategy or overseas expansion strategy.
With human capital being a business function of the company’s operation, LiT Strategy takes on a holistic approach when assisting with Job Redesign and ensures that the company’s strategy is in line with its human capital transformation, thus increasing the firms’ ability to focus on higher-value-adding tasks that require business judgment and technical knowledge.
With the productivity solutions grant job redesign, clients can:
● Enhance employee recruitment and retention
● Curb rising operational costs
● Improve employee productivity
● Reduce repetitive tasks
● Build deeper employee capabilities
Areas Covered in our PSG-JR consultant services
LiT Strategy focuses on job redesign as well as other complementary business transformation strategies. As a PSG-JR consulting firm in Singapore, we will assist in human capital development, which may include compensation and benefit restructuring, development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and competency and skill gap upgrading.
Reach Out to Us Today
Clients seeking the productivity solutions grant job redesign consultant services may contact us for more information.